DiPa-Nouvelle-Hessquitaine regional network

The regional network ‘Diversity and Participation’ between Hessen and Nouvelle-Aquitaine is funded by the German-French Youth Office (GFJO). The main objectives are to network and exchange experiences between actors and professionals in youth (social) work in order to gain new funding structures for international youth work and to offer children and young people from Hesse and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, who have little or no access to international mobility and/or intercultural experiences, the opportunity to participate in a German-French or trilateral exchange programme.

Our values

The CRAJEP Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the Solidaritätsjugend Deutschlands and the DFJW ensure a collegial and participatory coordination of the network’s actors and maintain a respectful and supportive relationship with each other.
We want to build bridges between cultures, generations and societies.
We combine youth education, culture and sport as a force for the development of each individual and create space and support for international and intercultural friendship.
We actively oppose racism, anti-Semitism, populism, nationalism, intolerance and any other form of discrimination.
We consider international mobility to be an appropriate means of empowering young people and developing civic engagement in a sustainable way.

You can find more information in our charter: CHARTER DOWNLOAD (PDF)